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When Filing for a Tax Extension Makes Sense

by Ray Sagner on Aug 12, 2021

FINRA Reviewed, Tax Planning
The annual meeting is rescheduled to sometime later this quarter and the family reunion is sometime next summer, but like certain holidays and your birthday you know you can always count on a few specific dates. It’s reassuring. One such day is Tax Day, AKA April 15. Yet, unlike a birthday this looming deadline tends to sneak up on you in the least enjoyable way.

Leave your Legacy through Planned Giving

by Ray Sagner on Aug 5, 2021

Education, Finance, FINRA Reviewed
There comes a point in life where you want to begin sharing or gifting all the things you’ve collected over the years—stories, wisdom, financial wealth. And unlike the Ancient Egyptians believed, you cannot take your worldly goods with you when your light goes out. You can share your stories wisdom in a manifesto or through funny tales to your family, but what about the money?